Saturday, March 28, 2020

Blessings Part 2. Bigger picture, Medium picture, Smaller picture.

Continuing the theme of blessings and “Weaving the World to Wellness”, I feel drawn now to talk about the “smaller picture”, and how the current situation may have blessed us personally in ways which we may not even recognise!

The “bigger picture”, of course, is the global effect, and our responsibility to bless the earth, bless those who are working tirelessly to deal with the impact of the virus, even bless those in positions of power who, quite frankly, are as confused and lost as the rest as of us - I wouldn't want to be in their shoes!  

We all have a responsibility to "Weave the World to Wellness", and while we may not be able to work on it practically/physically, we can help energetically by working with blessings to send out threads of light. (See Blessings Part 1). 

Strengthen the intention by lighting a candle and making your blessing a ritual.  Either let the candle burn out, or blow it out and send the light and your blessing to whatever you have chosen.  (Please do NOT go out and panic-buy candles, leave some for others! 😀 )

As for the “medium picture”, I see it as the effect this is having on society, the pause this situation is creating in "normal" life, the time we are given to examine our life and lifestyle, our contribution to family and community, the restriction on our movements that makes us stop and appreciate what "freedom" really means, the re-assessment of our "wants" and "needs", the re-connecting with our family on a different level, appreciating friends, getting to know our children.... 

In this, I see that we are blessed to be given this pause, blessed to be shown that a simpler life is possible, blessed to find that there are so many good and selfless people in the world, blessed to be given the opportunity to be one of them, blessed to perhaps have the opportunity to change something we "have never had time" to attend to, blessed to be able to pursue interests we "never had time for" and perhaps release a talent within us that has been suppressed.  Let us focus on those blessings and not give energy to panic and fear.

And so on to the “smaller picture”, which is really what I wanted to get to in the first place!

On a personal level, what are you being "saved from"?  What are you being "protected" from by the circumstances of this crisis?

I'll start with a very light-hearted example:  If someone else is doing your shopping, you are saved from the tempting shelves of biscuits, chocolate, etc. that play havoc with your diet!   (Thank you, Sandra for that insight!) :) 

On a more serious note,

  • ·       We may now be "cut off" from certain situations that we were finding it difficult to resolve, giving us space to look at the situation more objectively and make better decisions. 
  • ·       We may be forcefully distanced from people who cause us stress and anxiety, giving us time to work on our reaction to them if and when we have to interact with them again. 
  • ·       We may be "saved from" depleting our energy by trying to be everything to everyone (you physically can't be when you're in isolation!). 
  • ·       We may be "protected" from the negative energy of an environment in which we had to spend a lot of time, giving us breathing space to regain balance and work on how to change it. 
  • ·       Perhaps we are being protected from people who were making demands we could not meet, holding unreasonable expectations of us - giving us time to form a better response. 
  • ·       And our awareness of who is toxic in our life, draining us of energy and resources, and who lifts us up and supports us, has probably been heightened, giving us the opportunity to decide whether we want to hold on to the toxic relationships and how we can enhance the positive relationships!

 So, what have you been "saved from"?   What have you been "protected" from?  Open your eyes and see the opportunities that have been given to you at a personal level, take a deep breath and address those issues while you are unhindered by opposing influences around you.

By the way, is anyone being "saved from" or "protected from" you????

Blessings Part 1: Weaving the World to Wellness

In the last couple of days of this global crisis I have been drawn back to the theme of “Weaving the World to Wellness” which came up in a Shamanic Gathering almost two years ago.

We were given an insight into the damage that is being done to the universal web of life and our energetic connections by the pockets of negativity and darkness that are ""tearing holes" in the web and disconnecting us from our roots.  

The smallest switch of focus onto a positive vibration can weave threads of light to repair the damage. And a very simple act of blessing can be an effective means of dispelling the darkness and "Weaving the World to Wellness".   

At the energetic and spiritual level, the most effective and successful solutions are usually the simplest – and the simplicity of  “A blessing a day to drive the darkness away” is something that requires only a few words infused with a loving heart and intention.
We bless to heal and empower, to fully engage with a situation, to help ourselves and others meet challenges, to acknowledge a lesson, to reach out and transform energy, to connect with the web of life, and to neutralise negativity within and around us.

And as the vibration of the blessing moves through our own energy field, then we are also blessed by its power. When you bless, consider the global impact of your blessings rather than the individual impact.  The accumulation of blessing energy on a global scale is what is required to weave the world to wellness – not just addressing individual situations.

And, controversial or not, I’m going to start by blessing the virus that is causing chaos in the world! The virus is a living being that bears no malice to us – there is no personal attack on us! It’s just doing what viruses do and following its own path. And when I say, “Blessed be this Earth and All That Is” that must include EVERYTHING.

We live in harmony with many viruses, inside and outside our bodies, and think nothing of it. This particular life form happens to be a danger to our particular life form, but everything has a purpose, a place and a time. Viruses are mutating all the time – shape shifting in Shamanic terms .

So my blessing today is for the virus - that it may find a path that allows it to live in harmony with us, and without danger to other life forms.

Emmet Fox said:
“Bless a thing and it will bless you. Curse a thing and it will curse you. If you put your condemnation upon anything in life, it will hit back at you and hurt you. If you bless a situation, it has no power to hurt you and even if it is troublesome for a time, it will gradually fade out, if you sincerely bless it.”

So, just spend a few moments each day sending out a blessing. With each blessing we give we weave a thread of repair.