Saturday, March 28, 2020

Blessings Part 1: Weaving the World to Wellness

In the last couple of days of this global crisis I have been drawn back to the theme of “Weaving the World to Wellness” which came up in a Shamanic Gathering almost two years ago.

We were given an insight into the damage that is being done to the universal web of life and our energetic connections by the pockets of negativity and darkness that are ""tearing holes" in the web and disconnecting us from our roots.  

The smallest switch of focus onto a positive vibration can weave threads of light to repair the damage. And a very simple act of blessing can be an effective means of dispelling the darkness and "Weaving the World to Wellness".   

At the energetic and spiritual level, the most effective and successful solutions are usually the simplest – and the simplicity of  “A blessing a day to drive the darkness away” is something that requires only a few words infused with a loving heart and intention.
We bless to heal and empower, to fully engage with a situation, to help ourselves and others meet challenges, to acknowledge a lesson, to reach out and transform energy, to connect with the web of life, and to neutralise negativity within and around us.

And as the vibration of the blessing moves through our own energy field, then we are also blessed by its power. When you bless, consider the global impact of your blessings rather than the individual impact.  The accumulation of blessing energy on a global scale is what is required to weave the world to wellness – not just addressing individual situations.

And, controversial or not, I’m going to start by blessing the virus that is causing chaos in the world! The virus is a living being that bears no malice to us – there is no personal attack on us! It’s just doing what viruses do and following its own path. And when I say, “Blessed be this Earth and All That Is” that must include EVERYTHING.

We live in harmony with many viruses, inside and outside our bodies, and think nothing of it. This particular life form happens to be a danger to our particular life form, but everything has a purpose, a place and a time. Viruses are mutating all the time – shape shifting in Shamanic terms .

So my blessing today is for the virus - that it may find a path that allows it to live in harmony with us, and without danger to other life forms.

Emmet Fox said:
“Bless a thing and it will bless you. Curse a thing and it will curse you. If you put your condemnation upon anything in life, it will hit back at you and hurt you. If you bless a situation, it has no power to hurt you and even if it is troublesome for a time, it will gradually fade out, if you sincerely bless it.”

So, just spend a few moments each day sending out a blessing. With each blessing we give we weave a thread of repair.

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